
The English writer and composer Anthony Burgess, author of the novel A Clockwork Orange said: “Translation is not a matter of words only; it is a matter of making intelligible a whole culture.” That is our mission and our challenge.

At Estudio Chaves, words are the raw material that we shape in accordance with each culture so that each text reads like an original, not a translation. This requires not only a mastery of the working languages but also specialized knowledge in the field in question, in order to convey the meaning of the message, beyond the words themselves, and craft each text with the appropriate tone and register. 

Undoubtedly, technological advances make machine translation an option, but we continue to put our faith in human translation, which is based not on simple algorithms that are incapable of capturing the subjectivity and emotion behind words, but rather on the ability to transmit messages with terminological precision and creativity.

A good translation is just as important as a well-written text. Many writers attribute their own success to the skill of their translators. Gabriel García Márquez, for example, constantly praised the work of his English translator, Gregory Rabassa. He claimed that the translation of One Hundred Years of Solitude was a work of art in and of itself. At Estudio Chaves, we want our clients to see our work as “standing on its own” as well. And translators like Rabassa inspire us to do work that speaks for itself.

Like all boutiques, which offer only some select products, at Estudio Chaves we do not attempt to cover every area of knowledge, but we do guarantee excellence and a high degree of specialization in specific fields. That is what makes us different and allows us to make a difference. 

What sets us apart is the quality of the communication
we facilitate.”

Specialized translation

Financial and accounting translation: financial statements, annual reports, management reports, audit reports, IPO prospectuses, investment fund prospectuses, banking regulations, and documents issued by European regulators.

Legal translation: 

  • Personal documents: certificates, letters, identity documents and immigration paperwork.
  • Academic documents: degrees, diplomas, syllabi, academic records and resumes.
  • Corporate documents: articles of incorporation, capital increase or reduction agreements, corporate bylaws, registration in and certificates from the Trade Registry, delegations of powers, general and special powers-of-attorney, minutes of shareholder meetings and board meetings, deeds, policies and contracts in general.
  • Notarial documentation: deeds of sale, declaration of heirs, wills, inheritance, marriage contracts, weddings, separations and divorces, powers of attorney, personal and mortgage loans, debt claims, protests, conciliation.
  • Legal documents: court orders, lawsuits and judgments, letters rogatory, court files.

Technical translation: requests for bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), technical manuals, product catalogs. 

Scientific translation: theses and research papers, articles for scientific publications.

Literary translation: books, magazines and general publications.

Advertising translation
web pages, marketing and sales materials.

Transcription, proofreading, localization and editing.

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This is a process that combines three key aspects: translation, localization and creativity. With transcreation, the translator “recreates” a text, maintaining the spirit of the original but going beyond a literal interpretation and reworking the details so that the piece has the same emotional impact in the target language as it has in the original.

Transcreation mainly applies to the area of marketing and advertising and is a clear example of where machines are incapable of providing an effective intercultural solution.

The freedom to create
through translation.”

The interpreter is a linguistic and cultural mediator."


Interpreting is a process that establishes one channel of communication in which each speaker can freely express their thoughts in their own language, with the guarantee that a professional interpreter will correctly adapt their message to the target audience’s culture and way of organizing ideas.

Consecutive interpreting: This technique involves a back-and-forth between the speaker and the interpreter. The speaker expresses an idea, then pauses to allow the interpreter to render it in the other language. 

This is commonly used in:

  • Business meetings
  • Product and service launches
  • Press meetings
  • Official ceremonies and formal speeches

Whispered interpreting (chuchotage): This is a type of interpreting where the interpreter positions him or herself next to the listener and simultaneously whispers an interpretation of what is being said. This mode of interpreting is mainly used in situations where the majority of the participants speak the source language and only a small number of people require language assistance. 

This is commonly used in:

  • Business or work meetings
  • Company or plant visits
  • Seminars, colloquiums and workshops

Bilateral interpreting: This is a type of interpreting, similar to consecutive interpreting, in which the interpreter mediates between two parties, translating each party’s brief statements for the other party.

This is commonly used in:

  • Business trips
  • Trade missions
  • Fairs and expos
  • Sightseeing tours 

Simultaneous interpreting: This technique involves translating a speech simultaneously using technical equipment that allows the audience to hear the interpretation in real time. 

This is commonly used in:

  • Symposiums and conferences
  • Seminars, colloquiums and workshops
  • Presentations of financial results
  • Shareholders’ meetings
  • Board meetings
  • Press meetings
  • European Works Councils
  • Product and service launches

Types of simultaneous interpreting:

  • In-person interpreting: Here, the interpreter is in the same location where the event is held.
  • Remote interpreting: Here, the event is held in one location and the interpreter works from another location. 

There are two types of remote interpreting:

  • Hybrid interpreting: The interpreters work in ISO-certified booths located in a physical studio called a hub, which is outfitted with all the necessary technological equipment and is supervised by professionals who provide technical assistance. The client’s signal comes in through a video conferencing software and the audience can connect from different locations.
  • Distance interpreting: The interpreters connect to a virtual platform through which they will provide interpreting. Some examples of these platforms include: Zoom, Cisco Webex, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Olyusei, Interprefy, Kudo, Interactio, BlueJeans, Voiceboxer and Catalava.

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Other Services

Technical assistance: Assembly and installation of booths and simultaneous interpretation systems, audio and video, technical support and event staff. 

Videoconferencing and teleconferencing

Webcasting and streaming